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Magic Conch

Magic Conch

Regular price $35,000.00 USD
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Magic Conch

Shoelaces on painted canvas
38” x 80”


Magic Conch

This magic conch shell represents the keeping of history and the prediction of the future in a family. Grandmothers have an unique ability to influence the path of the generations after them by passing down family history and teaching the next generation. Lovely Hill (Maxwell's grandmother) gave him his first Harlem Globetrotters Jersey when he was 9 years old and always told him that he should use his creativity to be an architect . Maxwell is now in his seventh year as a member of the Harlem Globetrotters and an artist. Their relationship is a prime example of how a grandmother's love and encouragement can pay dividends in a family. This piece includes pieces of a real Harlem Globetrotter basketball that Maxwell used in a game.

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